The amino acid G-amino-butyric-acid (GABA) is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mature brain and plays an important role in regulating neuronal activity levels and synaptic plasticity, controlling the formation and propagation of neuronal activity, and generating local and large-scale oscillatory activity. In accordance with these diverse GABAergic functions, different classes of neocortical GABAergic interneurons with specific electrophysiological properties, dendritic morphologies, and axonal projection patterns have been identified and classified. In the mature midbrain, GABAergic neurons are found in several locations and participate in many important brain functions. Knowledge of GABAergic neuron development is highly important for understanding their diversity and function and may provide new approaches to the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disease.
No single transcription factor (TF) involved in patterning, neurogenesis or differentiation of GABAergic neurons is shared by all the GABAergic neuron populations. On the other hand, most of the TFs important for GABAergic neuron development also have functions in other neuronal lineages or cell types.
Function | ||||
Brain region | Spatial patterning and progenitor specification HD or bHLH proteins | Proneural genes and their regulators bHLH proteins | Postmitotic subtype selection HD, bHLH, ZF | Maturation, migration, maintenance HLH, HD, ZF |
Telencephalon |
DLX2 DLX5/6 |
Diencephalon |
NKX2-2 FEZF1/2 GBX2 PAX6 |
ASCL1 p1-2: HELT |
p3: DLX2 p1-2: GATA2 p1-2: TAL2 |
p1-2: SOX14 TAL1 GATA3 |
Midbrain |
NKX2-2 NKX6-1 PAX3/7 |
Ventral R1 | NKX6-1 |
ASCL1 NGN1/2 |
TAL1 |
Dorsal R1 (cerebellum) |
ASCL1 NGN1/2 |
LHX1/5 NGN1/2 CORL, PAX2 |
Dorsal spinal cord |
dP4: GSX1/2 dP6: DBX2 PAX2 |
dP4: GSX1/2 NGN1/2 |
dI4, dIL, dI6: LBX1 dI4, dIL: PTF1A |
LBX1 LHX1/5 |
Ventral spinal cord |
NKX6-1 V0-1: DBX1/2 |
ASCL1 NGN1/2 V2: FOXN4 |
V2b: TAL1 GATA2 LMO4 V0d: EVX1- |
GATA3 LMO4 V1: EN1 |
Mutant phenotype (mouse) | GABAergic progenitors mispatterned or missing | GABAergic neurogenesis delayed and/or diminished | GABAergic precursors respecified to alternative fate | Incomplete differentiation/ impaired functionality |
Focusing on custom neural differentiation models over years, Creative Biolabs has accumulated extensive experience and gradually established our own technology platform. During these years of exploration, we have trained a lot of experts specialized in these fields. With an excellent professional team, strong foundations, and rich experience, we are confident in offering customer-satisfied custom GABAergic neurons differentiation model service to global clients.
If you are interested in custom GABAergic neurons differentiation model service, or you any other models on our website, please don't hesitate to contact us for more information.
We can provide a wide range of services related to GABAergic neuron differentiation to support your research and development projects.
We also offer flexibility in our services, including but not limited to:
Services | Descriptions |
Custom CNS Disease Modeling Services | We have optimized our neuroscience in vitro model platform with advanced technologies, high-quality facilities, and professional experts. Our platform can offer reliable custom CNS disease modeling services including but not limited to Alzheimer's disease models, Huntington's disease models, and Parkinson's disease models. |
Neuronal Marker Antibody | Equipped with a state-of-the-art phage display platform, a hybridoma platform, and other advanced antibody development platforms, we can provide a full range of neuronal marker antibody production services, from gene synthesis to antibody purification and labeling. |
STEMOD™ Advanced Drug Discovery Service | We have developed a comprehensive technology platform to provide one-stop CNS drug discovery services. Our platform has advanced neuroscience ex vivo models, neuroscience assay techniques, and neuroscience research tools. These technologies will cover every important stage of CNS drug discovery, resulting in a one-stop shop for our customers. |
Ana Gonzalez-Ramos, et al. used a single-step approach to differentiate hESC into GABAergic neurons (hdIN) and test their function by overexpressing the transcription factors Ascl1 and Dlx2. After 35 days in vitro, hdIN showed electrophysiological properties and spontaneous synaptic currents comparable to those of mature neurons.
The electrophysiological properties of hdIN at different time points are shown in Fig 2. The differential cellular response to 0-25 pA depolarizing current ramps and 50 pA depolarizing current pulses at different time points is specifically demonstrated. These differences in intrinsic properties indicate that the function of hdIN matures significantly with time in culture.
Fig. 1 Electrophysiological properties of hdINs during the maturation process over time in culture.1
For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.